debaterpy package


debaterpy.structures module

A collection of simple classes that store information. This is mostly a pythonic, class-based wrapper around DebaterJSON.

class src.debaterpy.structures.Item

Bases: object

A single item that is being stored, mostly used so that some default behaviour doesn’t need to be repeated as much.

classmethod from_dict(data: dict) Item

instantiate a new object based on the dictionary data.

classmethod from_json(data: str) Item

Instantiates a new object based on the data contained in the json string data.

to_json() str

Converts the object to a DebaterJSON string.

class src.debaterpy.structures.Record(tournaments: list[Tournament], speaker_name: str | None = None)

Bases: Item

The base class for one entire account of tournaments.

classmethod from_dict(data: dict) Record

instantiate a new object based on the dictionary data.

speaker_name: str | None = None

The name of the speaker in this account.

tournaments: list[Tournament]

The tournaments to include in this account

class src.debaterpy.structures.Round(name: str | None = None, outround: bool | None = None, outround_category: str | None = None, prepped: bool | None = None, date: datetime | None = None, topics: list[str] | None = None, motion: str | None = None, infoslide: str | None = None, side: str | None = None, half: str | None = None, teammates: list[str] | None = None, speeches: list[Speech] | None = None, result: int | None = None, advanced: bool | None = None)

Bases: Item

A single round that is associated with a tournament.

advanced: bool | None = None

If the speaker advanced to the next phase of the tournament (if this round is an outround).

date: datetime | None = None

The date at which this round took place.

classmethod from_dict(data: dict) Round

instantiate a new object based on the dictionary data.

half: str | None = None

The half of the debate the debater was on. Only applies to BP.

infoslide: str | None = None

The infoslide attached to the motion.

motion: str | None = None

The motion of the round.

name: str | None = None

The name of the round (e.g. ‘round 1’ or ‘grand finals’).

outround: bool | None = None

If this round was an outround.

outround_category: str | None = None

What speaker category this outround belongs to (e.g. open or ESL). Should only be used if the round is an outround.

prepped: bool | None = None

Whether the round was a prepped round (if applicable).

result: int | None = None

How many points the debater’s team got from this round. In two-team formats, a 1 or 0 simply mean a win or loss, respectively. For more complex formats, such as BP, please refer to the format’s manuals for how many points a certain result yields.

side: str | None = None

The side of the motion the debater was on.

speeches: list[Speech] | None = None

The speeches the speaker gave in this round.

teammates: list[str] | None = None

The teammate or teammates the speaker was debating with this round.

topics: list[str] | None = None

Keywords relating to the topic of the debate (e.g. ‘Politics’).

class src.debaterpy.structures.Speech(speech: int | None = None, speak: float | None = None)

Bases: Item

A speech in a round.

classmethod from_dict(data: dict) Speech

instantiate a new object based on the dictionary data.

speak: float | None = None

The speak this speech received.

speech: int | None = None

The speech of this speech. Only counts speeches on the debater’s side (e.g. in BP an opposition whip would be speech 4, not 8).

class src.debaterpy.structures.Tournament(tournament_name: str, format: str | None = None, broke: bool | None = None, break_categories: list[str] | None = None, rounds: list[Round] | None = None)

Bases: Item

A single tournament’s data. This is the primary object you will interact with the majority of the time.

break_categories: list[str] | None = None

The category or categories the speaker broke in.

broke: bool | None = None

Whether the debater broke at this tournament.

format: str | None = None

The debating format used at this tournament (e.g. BP).

classmethod from_dict(data: dict) Tournament

instantiate a new object based on the dictionary data.

rounds: list[Round] | None = None

All the rounds the debater participated in in this tournament.

tournament_name: str

The name of the tournament.

debaterpy.utils module

Various utilities to aid in the manipulation and analysis of the objects in debaterpy.structures.

src.debaterpy.utils.generate_csv(record: Record, target: TextIOWrapper)

Writes a CSV representation of record to target.

src.debaterpy.utils.get_all_rounds(record: ~src.debaterpy.structures.Record, function: ~typing.Callable[[~src.debaterpy.structures.Tournament, ~src.debaterpy.structures.Round], bool] = <function <lambda>>) Generator[Round, None, None]

Gets all the rounds record for which function returns True.

This allows easier access to all the data such as for analysis of speaks or winrates. The function argument behaves similarly to Python’s built-in filter, it only allows entries for which function(x, y) is True. For example, the following code will get all rounds in BP (which might be useful for splitting up analyses by format):

>>> get_all_rounds(record, lambda x, y: x.format == "BP")
<generator object get_all_rounds at 0x102861e40>
  • record – An instance of structures.Record from which the rounds will be extracted.

  • function – A callable returning a boolean which needs to be true for a record to be included. Receives instances of structures.Tournament and ``structures.Round``as arguments. Will default to including all rounds.

src.debaterpy.utils.get_all_speeches(record: ~src.debaterpy.structures.Record, function: ~typing.Callable[[~src.debaterpy.structures.Tournament, ~src.debaterpy.structures.Round, ~src.debaterpy.structures.Speech], bool] = <function <lambda>>) Generator[Speech, None, None]

Gets all speeches in record that satisfy function.

Functionally very similar to get_all_rounds. The function argument works to allow a filter to be applied to the speeches that are included.

  • record – An instance of structures.Record from which the speeches will be extracted.

  • function – A callable returning a boolean which needs to be true for a record to be included. Receives instances of structures.Tournament, structures.Round, and structures.Speech as arguments. Will default to including all speeches.

src.debaterpy.utils.merge_records(*args: Record) Record

Merges all the records passed, tournament-wise.

Combines multiple records by their tournaments, creating one new Record object containing all the tournaments in the original records. Duplicate tournaments are identified by Tournament.tournament_name, meaning the same name will never show up twice in the record.

If a tournament is in multiple records only the version of the tournament in the record that is passed first will be preserved (so if both the first and the second argument define a tournament called “WUDC 2022” only the one in the first argument will be used). Note that this could lead to the more complete record being discarded.

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